You know how it sometimes happens that you walk down the street, minding your own business, when you suddenly notice someone sitting on the sidewalk with a hat or something lying beside them and you are expected to put some money into it? That is what we shall call: BEGGING.
So it crossed my mind that so far there probably aren't any Internet equivalents of beggars around. Which is kinda strange, because almost every single social, cultural, subcultural and you-name-it phenomenon from the outside world has found its Internet equivalent. Let's first consider one of the most obvious ones - spamming. Years ago, before we got blessed by the presence of Internet, you would return home from work, opet your mailbox (your REAL mailbox, you know the one where you insert the key in the lock, unlock it and open the little door?) and find it full of various junk - bills, bills, more bills and tons of advertising flyers, like BUY HERE or CUT YOUR HAIR THERE or IF YOU SCREWED UP YOUR TOILET, WE'LL FIX IT and stuff like that. It's completely the same with Internet, except that the spam is now virtual, which means you can erase it with one click (those flyers you had to burn, or throw into the trashcan, the latter obviously similar to putting spam in your TRASH folder). And of course, the messages have much more imagination - instead of flyers advertising stores, malls and similar stuff, you now have golden opportunity to fix every single aspect of your sexual and financial life in like one second, from the length of your you-know-what to the depth of your bank account. Aren't we happy?
But anyway, I'm digressing. The point is, Internet still hasn't got its equivalent of begging. I.E. having someone ask you for your money and promising nothing in return (except giving you some form of gratitude). So, Dragon's Vampire is here to test whether the cyberbegging is unjustifiably overlooked, or there's some reason for it. Of course, we're not beggars, but for the time being we will act like them. Of course, this is only for testing purposes and has nothing to do with us wanting money and having to do nothing in return.
So, the point (finally) is: Give Us Your Money! It doesn't have to be much. We don't ask you to give us, say, ten million dollars. No, a mere thousand or two would be perfectly alright. Just click on that "pay with e-gold" thing to the right. Of course, you have to have an e-gold account. To get one (if you don't already have it), click on that link in the "Earning money on the Net" post, so I would get credit for it and get tons of money. There! I really hope more people would see this blog, because we obviously have some revolutionary ideas (like this one) and it would be a shame for them to go unnoticed.
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