
Thursday, October 05, 2006

Let's face it: This SUCKS!

I was just thinking about this whole blogging thing, and a small voice in my head told me the following: "What the hell do you think you are? You stupid idiot, you REALLY think someone wants to read all that DAMN crap you're writing? You're pathetic! PATHETIC! Go jump in the lake or something!"
I usually tend to listen to small voices in my head, especially when they are right. All those posts are totally random and let's face it - who the hell would want to read me bitching about NBA Live 2006? Even those Google ads keep disappearing from the site :-(
So, we're going to have a major change in design. I'll take a few days to think about the life, the universe and everything and then (hopefully) return with a more focused and more readable blog. Peace.


Blogger Ruth said...

Well sometimes people read it and don't leave comments. I was going to do that but figured since you think no one is reading it I should tell you I did. keep blogging!

5:01 AM  
Blogger Harvester said...

Hey, thanks! It's good to know all those letter are not... wasted.

3:09 PM  

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